UMMMMyyyy Ice Pops! (no added sugar)

no added sugar ice pop recipe

UMMMMyyyy ICE POP! The loud words spoken by my son playing outside on a warm summer evening. I call him over and whisper in his ear “ice pop?” and hearing his excited response fills me with joy.

This recipe comes from my desire to offer my son a fun summer treat but without tons of added sugar like most ice pops marketed to kids. While I am no stickler of sugar, it’s great to find a balance in the toddler diet keeping nutrient-dense foods at the forefront. I thought that if I created a recipe that is both nutrient-dense and delicious for my toddler, it’s a win-win. That is exactly what happened with these ice pops!

The great thing about this recipe is there is no set ingredient list. I use full-fat plain Greek yogurt, coconut water, and chia seeds as a base, but the add-ins are endless. I like to take some fresh blueberries and add a couple to each mold before adding the ice pop mixture. Lately, I use whatever frozen fruit I have on hand to mix in, but you can try to add nut butter, cacao, or some granola for a nice surprise inside!

I use this mold to make the ice pops so the recipe is tailored to fit a smaller size ice pop mold, and I suggest doubling the recipe if you are using a larger size mold.


½ cup full fat Greek yogurt (all the fat for our growing little ones!)

2 T chia seeds

¼ cup coconut water

½ cup your child’s favorite frozen fruit

Add-ins: fresh fruit, cacao nibs, granola, nut butter, be creative 😊

Using a Nutribullet or blender, place all ingredients in and blend until smooth. Pour into ice pop mold, freeze, and enjoy!

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN is a NYC based dietitian and founder of My Fruitful Body Nutrition.

Healthy Store Bought Toddler Snacks