My Fruitful Body Blog
Recipes, Advice, Healthful Tips and more
Cultural and Social Aspects of Eating
Discover how Blue Zones’ practices like community meals and mindful eating foster longevity, better digestion, and mental well-being. Learn tips to apply these habits to your daily life and transform your relationship with food.
Overcoming Emotional Eating with Mindful Practices
Stop emotional eating in its tracks and cultivate a healthy relationship with food through mindful practices.
The Connection Between Mindful Eating and Better Digestion
Ever feel like your stomach is in knots after a rushed lunch? You're not alone! Mindful eating practices can significantly improve your digestion.
Non-Scale Victories: Celebrating Success Beyond the Numbers
Discover the importance of non-scale victories, 5 non-scale victories to practice, and how to celebrate success beyond the numbers on your weight loss journey!
Spring into Health: Seasonal Foods to Boost Your Nutrition
Spring into health with the power of seasonal foods! Discover the benefits of fresh produce and learn how to boost your nutrition.
Friends Fitness: Making Movement a Part of Your Social Scene
Are you tired of the same sedentary social outings with friends? Here’s a fun way to incorporate movement into your social scene!
How Do I Know If I’m Full?
Picture this: you’re out to dinner with friends and you’re heaping plate of food comes out. Between chatting, eating, and other distractions, how can you recognize fullness cues?
5 Tips to Handle a Holiday Food Pusher
Ugh, we all know them and, yet, still love them dearly. The infamous food pushers in our lives. The ones that don't take no for an answer and push just a little too long. Here are 5 tips to handle a holiday food pusher.
6 Do’s and Don’ts for a Healthier Thanksgiving
Do you typically starve yourself until the big meal? Go crazy on the portions and feel guilty afterwards? Here are 6 do’s and don’ts to make it a nourishing and Happy Thanksgiving!
Physical Versus Head Hunger
Am I hungry or bored? There are signs for both physical and emotional hunger that you can assess to decide whether it’s true hunger. Read more here!
How to End Emotional Eating
Emotional eating is probably one of the most common coping techniques used. It’s totally normal and ok to use food as comfort, but here are some other strategies to try.
Mindful Eating On Vacation
Here are my vacation takeaways and how I prioritized mindful eating.
Meal Prepping For Mindful Eating
Can you meal prep and eat mindfully? Here are a few tips to do both.
5 Steps To Create A Healthy Relationship With Food
Here are 5 tips to get you started on creating a healthy relationship with food.
I Want To Eat Mindfully, But I’m Scared Of Gaining Weight
This is a common fear among people who want to listen to their body and eat mindfully. But what will happen?
How Do I Know If I Am Really Hungry?
How do I know when I am hungry? This is a skilled that can be relearned and begin to trust your bodies natural fullness and hunger cues organically.