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Surviving the End of the School Year and Summer with Kids: 6 Essential Tips

As the end of the school year approaches and summer looms ahead, parents often find themselves juggling a myriad of responsibilities. From parties to sports events, meal prep to managing random days off, the hustle and bustle can feel overwhelming. Here are six essential tips to help you survive—and thrive—during this busy season.

1. Learn to Say No

Prioritize your family's time and energy. If your calendar is packed with parties and events, don't hesitate to decline some invitations. For example, if your child isn't particularly invested in a sport, it's okay to skip a related event. Saying no can free up valuable time and reduce stress.

2. Get Ahead of the Curve

Make the most of any spare time by preparing in advance. If you have an extra hour or two on a weeknight, use it to buy end-of-year teacher gifts or summer birthday presents. Going to multiple little kid birthday parties? Buy the same gift and card for all of the parties.

Both my son and daughter have birthday's in June - 4 days apart! Instead of waiting for the week of their birthday parties, I have already begun ordering decorations, goodie bag items, and preparing the menu. This way, as time permits I can little by little get started and hopefully not feel as stressed the week of their events.

3. Accept That Summer Is Busy

Acknowledge that summer will be a busy season and plan accordingly. Older children may have final exams and irregular school schedules. Look at your calendar and anticipate weeks with numerous events. Plan for these busy days and adjust your expectations on what you can accomplish.

From Memorial Day weekend through the end of the school year, my son’s preschool has a least one day off per week. I have pre-emptively started planning for extra child care or simply blocking off my schedule to make some fun memories.

4. Prioritize Meal Prep

Don’t leave meals to chance during the busy summer months. Prepare meals ahead of time to avoid the stress of last-minute cooking. For example, I freeze extra meals and pre-make hamburger patties for hectic nights. Review your weekly schedule and plan meals in advance. Check out my recipe database for quick and easy meal ideas.

5. Focus on Health

Maintaining your health is crucial. Don’t sacrifice sleep to complete extra tasks. A lack of sleep and increased stress can weaken your immune system. Make sure your family is getting enough rest and consider boosting your immune system with vitamin C, elderberry, zinc, and vitamin D. Remember, once one person gets sick, it often spreads quickly through the family. Keep the ship afloat and don’t get sucked into the endless cycle of lack of sleep leads to tiredness in the morning leads to skipped meals and dehydration leads to illness :(

6. Let Things Go

This is one I have been personally working on this year. After my pneumonia scare this winter, I had to start reprioritizing my life. The kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes? It's okay. Missed a load of laundry? Flip your underwear around? Just kidding! My point is, try not to sweat the small stuff. As point three stated, recognize that it's just a season and try to enjoy the moments.

I find myself becoming introspective as I consider how fast my daughter's first birthday is approaching. Do I want to look back and have only negative memories of me running around, stressing over dirty dishes or finding the perfect teacher's gift for the end of the school year? No!

So, busy parents, forge on knowing this too shall pass. Find time to dig your feet into the sand, grab a cold drink, and take a deep breath. You've got this!