Demystifying Flavors: Natural vs. Artificial - Do They Matter?

Natural vs. Artificial Flavors: What's the Difference?

Both artificial and natural flavors aim to enhance the taste of processed foods. However, their origins differ significantly.

  • Artificial Flavors: These are lab-made concoctions using synthetic ingredients derived from non-food sources like petroleum or coal tar. Though cheaper to produce, some chemicals used might raise safety concerns. They are commonly used in processed foods to mimic natural flavors.

  • Natural Flavors: These sound healthier, and to some extent, they are. They are extracted from natural sources like fruits, vegetables, or even animal products. However, the term "natural flavor" can be misleading. These extracts often come with added preservatives, solvents, and emulsifiers, which aren't required to be listed on the label.

  • Organic Flavors: These must comply with organic farming standards and regulations, meaning they are derived from organic sources without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. These flavors are certified by organic standards, ensuring minimal use of synthetic substances in their production. They’re often perceived as healthier due to the lack of synthetic chemicals in their production.

Should You Be Concerned About Flavors?

While the FDA generally considers both artificial and natural flavors safe for consumption, some concerns linger. Limited research suggests potential links between certain artificial flavors and hyperactivity in children, but more research is needed.

The bigger concern might be the overall processed nature of foods containing these flavorings. These foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and refined carbohydrates, all linked to various health problems.

Empower Yourself with Knowledge: Scan and Learn!

In today's digital age, becoming a more informed shopper is easier than ever! Utilize resources like the Environmental Working Group's Healthy Living app or similar tools. These handy apps allow you to scan product barcodes, revealing a wealth of information on ingredients, potential health impacts, and even safety ratings. Knowledge is power – equip yourself to make informed choices that align with your health goals.

Ditch the Debate: Focus on Whole Foods for Optimal Health

Confusing labels with claims of "natural flavors" and endless ingredient lists can make navigating the grocery store aisles feel like a science project. But what if there was a simpler path to healthy eating? The truth is, both artificial and natural flavors are additives in processed foods, and their potential health concerns can add another layer of confusion.

Here's the good news: You don't need to become a decoding expert to make smart choices. Forget the debate about artificial versus natural flavors. Instead, prioritize whole foods – the real rockstars of nutrition. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains – these powerhouses are packed with the essential nutrients your body craves to thrive.

While completely eliminating processed foods might not be realistic, focus on making them the exception, not the rule. When you do reach for packaged items, choose those with shorter ingredient lists that feature recognizable whole food ingredients for flavoring.

Imagine this: Swapping a sugary snack for a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit. Now that's a change you can feel good about – a simple step towards a healthier, more vibrant you. Remember, healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated. Choose whole foods whenever possible, and let your body enjoy the goodness of nature!

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN

Angela Houlie, MS, RDN, CDN, LDN is a NYC based dietitian and founder of My Fruitful Body Nutrition.

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