My Fruitful Body Nutrition

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Prenatal Nutrition Tips for Vegetarians and Vegans

Congratulations! You're embarking on the incredible journey of pregnancy. As a vegetarian or vegan, you might have questions about how to ensure you and your growing baby are getting all the essential nutrients during this special time. Fear not, mama-to-be! With a little planning and some helpful tips, you can confidently navigate a plant-based pregnancy and nurture a healthy pregnancy journey.

Let's explore the wonderful world of plant-based prenatal nutrition!

Essential Nutrients for a Thriving Plant-Based Pregnancy

Planning Your Plant-Based Pregnancy Meals:

Variety is Key:
Include a rainbow of fruits and vegetables in your diet for a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Plant-based mamas - the advice is no different for you than my meat-eater mamas. Variety truly is key! Once you’re past the first trimester food aversions and nausea, expand your diet to include a variety of foods to ensure you’re getting all of the vitamins and minerals that grow a healthy baby. 

Challenge yourself to rotate into the mix one new fruit and veg per week to add variety and color. 

Embrace Whole Grains:
Whole grains provide essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Opt for brown rice, quinoa, whole-wheat bread, and other whole grains.

I talk in more depth about why carbohydrate choices matter in my pregnancy ebook, but try to focus on complex carb choices to add fiber and protein to keep your blood sugar levels stable. 

Healthy Fats are Your Friends:
Did you know that your baby’s brain is 60% fat? That healthy fat is all coming from you! Include healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These keep you satiated and provide essential fatty acids for your baby's development.

Stay Hydrated:
Water is critical for overall health and fetal development. Aim for 100 ounces  of water daily.

Embrace the Journey!

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. A Registered Dietitian is a valuable source of guidance and support throughout your pregnancy. Do you have any concerns about your diet and your baby's development? Contact us today and we’d be happy to support you on your fertility and pregnancy journey.

With a little planning and the right information, you can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling plant-based pregnancy experience.