My Fruitful Body Nutrition

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How To “Reset” After The Holidays

I put quotes around the word “reset” because I don’t believe there is a need for a reset, but this is the way the question is most often posed to me.

There is no need to feel guilty because you overindulged during the holidays. That’s ok and the way it should be! What fun would it be if we ate super strictly and followed all the “rules”?

The holidays are meant to be enjoyed, savoring traditional family dishes and foods that we do not typically eat during our regular week.

Here are a few tips to ensure you feel great mentally, physically, and emotionally after the holidays.

1) Stop Feeling Bad About It And Get Back Into A Routine

Stop losing sleep over that extra slice of pie you had at the New Year’s Eve bash! The truth of the matter is you did nothing wrong enjoying the holiday season.

You are allowed to eat all foods, enjoy them, and focus on all the great holiday memories made.

The first few days after the new year can feel hard, both mentally and physically. It’s like the day after your wedding - you are so happy but at the same time you are sad the party is over :(

Try not to let it become a stressor that can compromise your immune system, and instead remember finding happiness is the key to good health.

Try to get yourself on a normal routine, set a wake-up and sleep schedule to help you recharge.

2) Set Goals, Not Rules

Instead of starting the New Year with food rules, set realistic and sustainable goals. Setting goals that you feel confident in achieving will give you something to feel proud of and see real, lasting results.

For example, instead of saying “I am not eating carbohydrates ever again!” (not realistic) set a goal to incorporate protein and/or a healthy fat alongside your carbohydrate to satisfy you and keep you fuller longer (realistic and sustainable).

3) Meal Prep

To help you achieve your food goals, meal prep! I am a firm believer in “cook once, eat twice” meaning set aside an hour or two per week in the kitchen to batch cook meals for the week. This will set you up for success so that when meetings steal you away all day or an event goes longer than anticipated, there are healthy meal and snack options at the ready.

Think overnight oats, soups, stews, casseroles, roasting a pan of veggies, quick, easy, and healthy foods to keep or freeze for the future.

4) Hydrate

You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on fancy detox kits, just drink water! Water is also a great energy booster helping to deliver important nutrients throughout your body.

Aim for 2-3 liters of water per day. Start your day off with a large glass of water, you can squeeze a lemon into the water to add flavor and to boost your metabolism, aid in natural detoxification, and feel an instant energy boost.

5) Move Your Body

Find a way to move your body that you enjoy. That doesn’t mean take up running if you absolutely hate running (me lol!).

Instead, do something that feels good to you. Movement helps with increasing our energy and mental clarity releasing those feel-good endorphins. I personally love walking and find it therapeutic to listen to a podcast or music and clear my head. Some of my best ideas come to me while I am walking.

Can’t think of any movement you enjoy? Consider joining a class together with a friend. This will hold you accountable and allow you to try something new and outside of your comfort zone.

Bottom Line

As tempting as it is to “diet” and set food rules after the holidays, please don’t!

They don’t work (you’ll end up feeling hungry, binge on the “bad” foods, overeat, and the cycle continues).

You are allowed to eat more than usual during the holidays and should not feel robotic and like you need to eat the same meals all the time.

Life is about enjoying food - and having wonderful memories, not nightmares about too much of grandma’s fudge!

Here’s to a happy and healthy New Year filled with food freedom!!